Friday, May 31, 2013

Skywatch Friday - Lazy backwaters of Kerala

We were in Kerala in South India few years back.

It was in Kumarakkom, the backwater paradise of Kerala.

We spent one full day cruising on the lazy waters of Vembanad lake and its myriad channels.

It was in the month of May. But we were lucky to have a pleasant weather with a overcast sky. In fact we did have mango showers as well.

When we were cruising, we saw this cute little church perched on the bank. The white colour was a perfect contrast to grey - the sky, the water - all around us.

With onset of monsoons in Kerala in first week of June, it is time to go there if you want to experience what Indian monsoon is all about.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

India Travel Stories from others - B V Prakash visits two Dams in unexplored Malnad

It is no secret that we are fond of Malnad region in Karnataka and Western Ghats in General. 

Anyone who has been to the region will not come back without getting mesmerised by the beautiful vistas of the region. With monsoon round the corner, it is time to pack your bags and head for a drive to Malnad.

B V Prakash is someone we envy. He is a quintessential traveler and regular contributor to Deccan Herald, the venerable newspaper of Karnataka. It is a misnomer to say Prakash is a traveler. He is much more than that. He is an explorer with a keen eye for detail bringing out gems of Karnataka.

This week on Tuesday, Prakash introduced two Gems tucked away in Malnad. We did travel through this a month back. It had not rained in this area and we could see huge tracts of backwater dried up. It is already on the agenda to visit these places during monsoon. Add to this another gem called "Mani Dam" which is close by and very picturesque.

Click the link below read on. Make sure you visit them next time when you are around Tirthahalli. 

Stunning Vistas

Photo Courtesy by Rajesh Naik, the avid traveller and a popular blogger in Kannada. You can visit his blog (in Kannada) here

Visit to twin dams in Malnad

If you are planning to explore Malnad during Monsoon, please take a look at this post in this blog for more details

Monsoons in Western Ghats - An itinerary to experience it

If you need any help for planning a trip to Malnad, please write to

Happy to help.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Skywatch Friday - Devigarh Fort

We stayed in this Fort - Palace hotel during our wanderings in Rajasthan, India in 2009.

This is a fort built in 17th century but wonderfully restored and made into a lovely place. It is a pleasure to sit in the restaurant lounge and sip a drink watching the sun go down the aravali hills.

The imposing fort palace was clicked sometime in the late afternoon. Being October, the sky was clear with a sprinkle of clouds.

If you want to know more about Devigarh, you can visit their website here.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Chattisgarh Chronicles II - Dancing with Bison Horn Maria Tribe!

As we continue our meanderings in Central India, our first stop is Bastar. 

A good night's sleep in Bastar Jungle resort had got us prepared for next day’s excitement. Richard, our resort manager was a good bloke. An Anglo Indian from Jagdalpur - very few families still live here - the guy was always smiling and helpful. 

The day was packed. Tribals, waterfalls, caves, tribal weekly haat and Lal cheenti ki chutney!!! He had arranged us a guide - Chetan - and we were to pick him up on our way to Nainanar, the tribal settlement, our first stop for the day for a tete-a-tete with tribals. We were visiting “Bison Horn Maria” tribal settlement and see their famed "Bison Horn Dance". This tribe is dispersed in and around Jagdalpur. They are not as remote as "Muria" tribes and seemed to have adapted well. 

The name of the tribe is dervied from the head gear worn by the men when they dance. Made out of Bison horn and ornately hand crafted with beads, it is very colourful. 

Men and women perform the dance together. While men wear their colourful head gear, women wear colourful dress with silver jewelry. Men beat drums as they dance. Women sing and join them in dancing. The dance is rhythmic in circles with easy steps. The women carry iron rod like structure – not sure what it is called - and they hit the ground with it along with their steps! The dance is performed in festivals or during social occasions. We also join them and try to keep the steps with them. 

We end the dance session. The local toddy seller arrives in the village with freshly brewed toddy. It is a mobile toddy shop on the wheels. The toddy is tapped fresh and has to be consumed same day. We get toddy to all the performers. I ask Chetan if it is fine to taste the toddy. He gives go ahead and we also have a taste of it.  It is light, tastes tangy and nice. 

We bid good bye to the colourful maria tribe, we head to explore Kanger valley park and Tiratgarh Falls.

Getting ready....
The easy steps to rhythmic drum beats.....notice the rods with women
Men in their Bison Horn head gear
The tempo increases...
It is my turn to beat the drum!!
The group picture
Well deserved Toddy break!
A nice video of the dance i found on the web

Bison Horn Maria Dance

If you are planning a trip to Chattisgarh and need help, please drop a email to

Happy to help.

Related posts on Chattisgarh in this blog :-

Chattisgarh Chronicles 1 - Drive from Bangalore to Bastar

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Food Safari - Bandar Laddu of Machilipatnam

We have a sweet tooth. Who doesn't?

One of the agenda on our plate when we travel is to look for the local cuisine and sweets.

What is travel without savouring the local cuisine? Isn't it?

We hadn't heard of the famous "Bandar Laddu" of Machilipatnam till i read this nice article in Food Safari in "The Hindu".

It is mouth watering. We are now looking for someone going to Machilipatnam to pick some for us!

Click on the link to Read more about it and don't miss to pick up some laddus when you happen to go to Machilipatnam next time.

In search of Bandar Laddu

Friday, May 10, 2013

Skywatch Friday - Lovely trek to Valley of Flowers

This picture captures the beauty of trek to Valley of Flowers in the Indian Himalayas.

A lovely sky, mighty hills with conifers, water falls trickling down........all these makes the scenery on the way to Gangaria from Gobindghat breath taking.

This is the first phase of trek to Valley of Flowers.

If you want to know more about travelling to Valley of Flowers, please look at this post in this blog.

Valley of Flowers - Paradise on Earth