Monday, October 22, 2012

Back of the Blog - Colourful Dasaras of India!

The way we celebrate festivals in India is so unique which in itself showcase the cultural diversity of this country.

A festival like Dasara/Navratri is celebrated in different ways and different legends - mythological and folk - are woven around them. During our travel in the country we have seen and experienced celebrations in Calcutta and Ahmedabad. The festival fervor is to be seen to be believed in both these places. Most interesting one was witnessed in Varanasi where Ramlila goes on for one month! Of course, closer home, we have been to grand Dasara celebrations in Mysore many times.

This post will give you a glimpse of celebration of different Dasaras and amazing diversity therein.

Dasara in Kullu - Tucked in Indian Himalayas, Kullu's Dasara is famous in the region when Lord Raghunath - different than other parts when Goddess Durga is the main god - is worshiped in local fervor and traditions.

Lord Raghunath taken in procession in Kullu
Durga Puja in West Bengal - Celebrated as Goddess Durga's victory over Demons

Goddess Durga killing demons

Dasara and Ram Lila in North India, especially in Delhi and Varanasi - Celebrated as Lord Ram's victory over Demons - Ravan, Kumbhakarna and Megha Nada

Effigies of Demons Raavan, Kumbhakarana and Meghanad displayed displayed in Delhi's Ramlila grounds

Dasara in Bastar in Chattisgarh - A colourful festival wherein all tribals in the region congregate in Jagdalpur and celebrate it for 75 days!

The Raja of Bastar taken in procession in Jagdalpur
Dasara in Telengana in Andhra Pradesh - Celebrated as Bathukamma festival by women folk.

Bathukamma festival
Navratri in Gujarat - Gujaratis worship Goddess Durga with spiritual dances popularly known as Garba
Gujaratis performing Garba

Navratri in Tamil Nadu - Celebrated similar to Karnataka where Dolls are displayed and goddesses are worshipped.

Durga Puja in Nepal - Celebrated as Dsahai festival in a big way. Similar to Durga Puja celebrated in bengal to some extent. I happened to see this when i served with Gurkha soldiers in India Army.

Dasara in Karnataka - It is interesting to see that only in Karnataka it is celebrated as Pandavas victory against Kauravas at the end of Agnatvas. Even within Karnataka dasara is celebrated in big way in Madikeri (in Coorg) , Kudroli (in Coastal Karnataka) and Sringeri (in Malnad known as "Shard Navaratri" ). (More details on Dasara in Karnataka in the previous post).

Gokarnanatha temple in Kudroli decorated for Dasara
A Tableaux of Goddess Durga in Madikeri dasara

So, next time plan to be there in these place to experience the festive season which is vibrant, and colourful.  If you are planning India Travel, you know now when to come to experience Dasara!!

If you are you aware of any other unique way Dasara is celebrated in India, please do share it.

Useful links

Dasara in Bastar 

Dasara in Telengana - Bathukamma

Dasara in Gujarat - Garba

Dasara in Nepal - Dashai festival

Durga Puja

Dasara in Karnataka and Ayudha Puja legend

Madikeri Dasara

Shard Navaratri - Sringeri


Dasara/Navratri - A Hindu festival celebrated in the month of October across India

Durga - A Hindu Goddess

Ram, Raghunath - A Hindu god, hero of Ramayana, the hindu epic

Agnatvas - Living in Disguise

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