Saturday, December 8, 2012

India Travel stories by others -Valparai in Monsoons

We love to travel. 

Naturally we love to read travelogues as well. We believe that every travel is personal and every traveler has his own story to tell. It is his/her own experience of new place, new people, new sights, new food and new culture. It is interesting to read the experience of of others which will only enhance or complement one's own travel experience. Possibly, it may provide a new insight as well. We read many travel blogs and we would like to share some of the interesting ones we come across in this blog as well.

Here is the first one from Lakshmi. A prolific traveler and writer of a popular travel blog, here is her experience of visiting Valparai in Monsoons. Valparai is at its best in monsoons or post monsoons. It is green everywhere. The lakes are full and the waterfalls are brimming with glory. 

Please read on.........Lakshmi's account of Valparai in this link......

If you want to know more about Valparai, you may visit the post in this blog here

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