Friday, June 14, 2013

Skywatch Friday - Chinese Fishing Nets @ Kochi

There are certain images that will remain with you after you visit a place. 

If you visit Kochi in Kerala, South India, the Chinese fishing nets at Fort Kochi will be the one you will not forget easily.

These are huge. Unlike traditional fishing by boats, the nets are fixed and stationary. They are operated by the age old "Pulley" mechanism tied with huge stones at one end.

When we were in Kochi few years back, we happenned to see these nets and laid our hands to operate them as well! 

The sky was overcast. It was morning presenting a picture perfect shot. These nets look lovely with sun setting in the backdrop.

Take a look at this fantastic pictures by Arun Bhat in his blog here - Chinese fishing Nets @ Kochi 

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