Monday, June 9, 2014

Monday Images - Ladakh Trekking Stories by Pierre Martin!

These are not images. These are great stories of trekking in Ladakh. We were astonished with admiration when we looked at them.

We were looking for stories and pictures on trekking in Ladakh in preparation for our own trek in Markha Valley in August this year. When we searched in Picasa we stuck gold mine.

Pierre Martin. The man who has trekked over 600KMs over 46 days in Ladakh! The man who is humble enough to share his experiences with trekking community. Hear in his own words the mindblowing statistics.........

  • 43 days walking (13 + 19 + 11), 
  • 3 days off 
  • 24 17 which passes above 4800m and 10 above 5000m 
  • 5300m, the maximum altitude reached in Marang La (41th day) 
  • 183 hours of work (58 + 72 + 53), 
  • between 600 and 800 km (impossible to recognize in the mountains) 
  • 27000m positive and negative vertical drop (7330m/8425m + + 12060m/11725m 7750m/6755m)
  • 50 strings of prayer flags placed in the collar ("Ki Ki So so The Gyalo!") 
  • 1 pair of shoes bass rod of € 49.90 in Quechua (Arpenaz 500) Photo
  • 4000 photos 
  • and only 3 days of meat ...

If you are planning a trek in Ladakh, please take a look his trekking stories in the link below. Look at a preview of the lovely places he has gone in these pictures below........ (Please click on pictures to view in Original Size)

Good morning in the valley of the Borong Togpo
Between Yakru and Zabuk Yogma
Tso Tok
Descent Zangla to Padum
For details on Pierre's treks, pls click the following links. The website is in French. Make sure you translate it and read it.

Bonus - Pierre has also trekked extensively in Nepal. Check that out as well in his website. Amazing exploits in Himalayas which should not be missed!

If you need any help, please write to him. He is ever willing to help fellow trekkers!

Monday Images. 
Every weekend, we share images taken by us during our travel or those taken by fellow travellers from different parts of the world to places we haven't been to but liked them. Hope you will like them too.

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