Thursday, July 3, 2014

Skywatch Friday - Monsoon skies in Sri Lanka

Did you think that fabulous vistas of monsoon can be seen only in India? If yes, you may be wrong. We will tell you why.

Two years back we were traveling in Sri Lanka during Christmas holidays. A week before we landed the nation had bountiful South east monsoon. Parts of Northern Sri Lanka was flooded.

The rains had reduced when we landed but skies were not clear. During our ten day travel in a self drive car  - best thing to do being small distances and lovely roads - across the country, we did experience showers at many places. Yes, we could not enjoy its lovely beaches as sea was rough. 

The small nation of Sri Lanka is a blessed land. A country of beautiful landscapes. It turns greener and charming when it rains. What we could not get out of the sea we got out t its lovely mountains, valleys.

Here are few pictures capturing the monsoon in Sri Lanka......

Please click on the pictures to see them in Original size.

If you want to explore Monsoon in India you may please click on this post in this blog

Celebrating Indian Monsoon - A List!

You may also be interested to take a look at the following posts on Sri Lanka in this blog. Please click on them to get details.

Cricket Club cafe in Colombo - Eat, drink and watch Cricket here!

Lovely St Clair's falls - Niagara of Sri Lanka!

Gregory Lake - Serene and Scenic

A Home in the Hill country - Do you want to live here?

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