Friday, September 26, 2014

Skywatch Friday - Hole in the Sky in Ladakh!

Ladakh is always fascinating. It amazes the travellers with new things everytime you go there.

But you need to be curious traveller!

We found these natural holes formed in the mountains on our way to Nubra valley and again during our trek in Markha valley. It is a geological phenomenon and no one knows how it would have occurred. But it is a natural wonder indeed. Take a look at these pictures below. Please click on them to see in original size.

On the way to Nubra Valley 
Near Hunkar Village on Markha Valley trek
Close up shot of the above

Next time when you travel to Ladakh look out for such fascinating vignettes. These are like icing on the cake!

There are many Ladakh stories in this blog. We welcome you to take a look at them by clicking this link below.

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