Thursday, September 18, 2014

Skywatch Friday - On Southern tip of India!

Kanyakumari. The Southern tip of India.

The land's end. 

A place for watching beautiful sunrises and sunsets. And moonrises too.....

Off the main land is a huge rocky island. A place immortalised by Swami Vivekananda who swam here to meditate.

Today we have a lovely memorial on the rock - Vivekananda Rock Memorial.

The view from the shore is spectacular. The red granite memorial contrasting with grey rock on which it stands with sea in the foreground.

Click on the picture to see in larger size.

We clicked this on a sunny morning with clear sky.

Travel Tips - A boat ride of 10 Minutes will take you to the island. In peak tourist season, you have to wait in the queue for your turn. The best time to go if you want to enjoy peaceful atmosphere is to catch the first boat early in the morning. Get up early. Watch the lovely sunrise and catch the first boat.

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