Sunday, August 10, 2014

Monday Medley - A drive in an eerie tunnel!

Pluses of a road trip is the freedom it gives to enjoy the journey at your own pace. Many times we have noticed that journeys are more interesting than the actual destination itself. When these vignettes are captured on the lens, they remain cherished memories forever. We will share some of these in our blog and hope you like it.

When did you last drive in a eerie tunnel or sort of?

We did it last year in December.

On our way back from road trip to Sikkim, we stopped over at Konark and Puri. It was around 8 PM when we left Puri for Bhubaneswar. The road to Bhubaneshwar runs parallel to the sea for first few Kms. We could not catch the beauty of the marine drive as it was night.

We deviated away from the sea and were greeted by lovely roadside trees. It was virtually a green tunnel through which we were driving at night.

Suddenly, Brinda clicked these pictures from her iphone even as i drove on.

On checking out the pictures, it looked as if we were driving through a eerie tunnel. The road side trees with their branches gave a different perspective at night. The lone vehicle going in front looked like an object unfamiliar.

For a moment, it was an eerie experience!

Have you had such experience during your road trips? We would love to hear them.

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