Monday, August 25, 2014

Monday Medley - Postcards from Ladakh!

We returned from a lovely trip to Ladakh this evening.

Ten days in the region kindled nostalgic memories of our visit four years back. This time around, we did a six day spectacular trek in the Markha valley to Kongmaru La at 5100 Metres.

Here are few pics from the trip. Please click on the pictures to see them in original size.

Markha Valley
Markha valley.....and quiet flows river Markha!
Kongmaru La
Panoramic view of Kang Yatse ranges from Kongmaru La @ 5100 Metres
Kang Yatze
Spectacular view of Kang Yatse peak on the way to Nimaling
Markha Valley
Markha valley after Hunkar Village - Spectacular!
Ladakh Ranges
Ladakh ranges from the windows of aircraft.......on our way back.
Do you want to live here!
Nubra Valley
.........Or here?
Siachen glacier
Siachen glacier as seen from Base camp
Leh Srinagar Highway
Doesn't this remind you of Petra in Jordan?? Landscape near Budha Korbu on Srinagar - Leh highway
Moonscape ladakh
Moonscape on the way to Nimaling from Tochungtse
Stay tuned for more stories from our trip to Ladakh.

If you want to know more about Ladakh you may check out "Ladakh Diaries" in this blog. Please click the link below. 

Ladakh Diaries

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