Sunday, August 31, 2014

Monday Medley - "The Penguin Book of Indian Journeys"

Monday Medley - A potpourri of interesting articles, posts from fellow bloggers which we liked, books we loved, interesting images of fellow travelers or images from our own portfolio. We hope it will be a good start to the week ahead...... 

As a couple who love traveling, we also love reading the travel stories of others as well. We have featured travel stories from fellow bloggers in our blog. We have also listed the travel books and movies in one of the posts in this blog. 

Last month, we were browsing books in "Select Book Shop", the venerable second hand book shop in Bangalore. In a pile of books, we sight landed on a book which looked interesting. Titled " Indian Journeys" it is a lovely book edited by none other than Dom Moraes, the well known Indian Poet, Essayist and Writer. A collection of travel stories from India, it turned out to be hidden gem!

Look at the is astounding!
  • Bruce Chatwin on his travel with Mrs Indira Gandhi during election campaign....
  • Allen Ginsberg on his experiences in Varanasi....
  • Vikram Sheth coming back to his roots in Delhi after hitchhiking in unknown lands.....
  • Paul Theroux on his rail travel to Jaipur....
  • William Dalrymple on widows of Vrindavan....
  • Slaman Rushdie experiencing India 40 years after it achieved its Independence.....
  • R K Narayan on his travels in Mysore...
  • Jan Morris on Darjeeling....
  • Ruskin Bond on being footloose in Agra....
  • V S Naipaul on his experiences in moving around in hot, crowded and apathetic Delhi....
The list goes on with Kushwant Singh, Amit Chaudhuri, Stephen Alter, Jerry Pinto, Mark Tully, P Sainath, M J Akbar, Bill Aitken and many more......

The reviewer in Sunday Stateman aptly summrises the book in these words....

" In the final analysis "Indian Journeys" is parcel gift wrapped in multiple layers, each one presenting the reader with a wonderful surprise that raises his expectation of the next"

Pick up this book if you can lay hand on one. Go through the myriad experiences penned by some of the liveliest writers. You will be enriched with the Idea that is India.......

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